Contempora100 has achieved
the “Finestra Qualità Casaclima” brand

Carretta Serramenti produzione finestre in legno e alluminio Contempora100 Finestra Qualità CasaClima KlimaHaus

Contempora100 has achieved the “Finestra Qualità Casaclima” brand issued by Agenzia Casaclima. The agency grant this quality seal to windows after having test them on following items: sashes, glazing, kind of subframe, installation system, external sun control system, terms of use, components lasting period. Contempora100 grants high energy saving and outstanding in-house confort: also the indipendent agency Agenzia Casaclima Bolzano has tested and labeled it.


Carretta Serramenti produzione finestre in legno e alluminio Contempora 100 Certificato Qualità CasaClima KlimaHaus